November 2017 Update
My latest
visit in November 2017 was to check and find further sources
of potential water in the areas which since then I have had
confirmation that the two wells which have already been
drilled in 2017 which have passed all the tests required have
been successful. The largest one of the two is producing
244,800 gallons per day which is an excellent flow for that
part of the world. The second well has also produced a source
of water of 57,600 gallons per day. Again this has past allt
he tests required by the authorities.
updates will follow as and when they come in.
2016 Updates
I was approached in September 2016
by a water company in the United Arab Emirates who wanted my
help in locating water, which I agreed to do. I started with a
Google earth map survey of the area, and I marked out all
potential sources of water. In that part of the world their
rainfall is minimal.
My next step was to visit the site,
which took place during October 2016, I was there for fourteen
days, I located 12 potential water sources in the area. This
was done at the highest point of rainfall, during October, as
yet these sites have not been drilled. There are procedures
that have to be adhered to which are to get permission from
the area authorities and land owners, then extraction can then
take place.
As water is so scarce in hot countries
with so little rainfall, it is always critical to find water,
everyone is searching for it and drilling in their own areas
and the problem is that the water table is shrinking faster
each year because more water is being extracted than is being
replaced by natural seepage and rainfall. In the area I was
working in, the rock formations are mostly old limestone and
the water table areas vary from 850ft to the first source and
other sources can be as deep as 1600ft or more. This is why
water is so precious in this region. The mountain regions are
covered with small villages and towns all of which have many
boreholes drilled chasing the elusive water. I will update you
as and when they inform me of drilling taking place.